
April 10, 2024    
19:00 - 20:00


Holy Angels Catholic church, Basehor, KS
15440 Leavenworth Rd, Basehor, Kansas
Map Unavailable

Hommage á Zoltán Kodály – Organ concert.

Kovács, Sz.F.: Festival Fanfare – Hommage à Zoltán Kodály
Buxtehude, D.: Erschienen ist der herrliche Tag (Appeared is the splendid day) (BuxWV 224)
Buxtehude, D.: Prelude in D major (BuxWV 139)
Bach, H.: Christ lag in Todesbanden (Christ lay in death’s bonds)
Bach, J.S.: Prelude and fugue in b minor (BWV 544)
Liszt, F.: A magyarok Istene (God of Hungarians, S. 674)
Bartók, B.: Romanian folk dances (BB 76)
Kodály, Z.: Organoedia – Hungarian Mass for organ